Cranberry Crumb Pie

Cranberry Crumb Pie celebrates the gloriously tangy indigenous American berry. Pure cranberry filling is perfectly complimented by cinnamony brown sugar crumb topping.

– Pie Crust – Cranberries – Granulated sugar  – Corn starch  – Orange  – Cinnamon – Ginger – All purpose flour  – Rolled oats – Baking soda – Salt – Brown sugar  – Butter


–Toss the cranberries with the    sugar, spices and starch.

–Pulse the dry ingredients for the   crumb topping in a food   processor. –Toss in the butter and process to   combine. The crumble should   easily form clumps.

–Grab a handful of crumble and form   it into a large clump. Break the   clumps over the cranberry filling. –Distribute the crumbs evenly over   the filling and bake.

This recipe can easily be adapted to make a double crust cranberry pie.